Blue Ridge Yurts
Dec 252008

Steve Hammond's Ger I recently received an email from yurt builder Steve Hammond of Moorestown, New Jersey, with a most generous offer. Steve has built a few Mongolian gers over the years and the “four wall” ger you see on the right is his latest.
Well, as Steve put it, he “just got the bug to write down what I found as aids for my particular path”, adding pictures to illustrate. He offered to send me the file so that I could share it with potential yurt builders in the hopes that “readers might find a few insights to their dilemmas in what I have learned from others.”

So here a link for downloading Steve’s Info in Word doc format.

Yurt Workshop

Yurt Workshop

If you’re in North America and are interested in building your own traditional yurt, you might consider attending a workshop with Alex and Selene Cole of Little Foot Yurts in Wolfville, Nova Scotia (Canada).
The 2009 workshops are happening January 9-11 and January 16-18. The two and a half day workshop covers the basics of yurt construction and includes coppicing (a sustainable method of timber harvesting common in Europe). You will leave with the practical skills to start building your own yurt and making your own yurt plans, and the cost is only $250. Families are welcome, too! For theĀ full agenda and registration information go to their website at

Wishing all you builders great success with your projects. Don’t forget to look at the resources listed at www, and check out the yurt plans section on our Forum.

Best of luck with your projects,


3 Responses to “For Yurt Builders–a Holiday Gift”

  1. s.d. says:

    Steve Hammond’s download of pictures doesn’twork?

  2. Ivan Smith says:

    Here’s a link to the yurt blog tracking my experience building an 11′ diameter yurt. Steve’s instructions sort of puts mine to shame but hopefully there’s some bit of knowledge a fellow builder can use.
    Thanks for sharing Steve!

  3. Ivan Smith says:

    Might help if I actually posted the link:

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